a mother, father, and children picnicing on a green hill, kids playing with a robot; futuristic city in the background with tall towers rising to a central peak, flying cars in the distance

The Techno-Humanist Manifesto

A new philosophy of progress for the 21st century

The Techno-Humanist Manifesto, by Roots of Progress founder and president Jason Crawford, is a book laying out a new philosophy of progress.

“Techno-humanism” is his name for that philosophy, a worldview founded on humanism and agency. It is the view that science, technology, and industry are good—not in themselves, but because they ultimately promote human well-being and flourishing. In short, it is the view that material progress leads to human progress.

The purpose of the book is to present a moral defense of material progress, and a framework the progress movement can use to understand what we are doing and why. It will present a bold, ambitious vision of a future that we want to live in and will be inspired to build. It will acknowledge, even embrace, the problems of progress, and point towards solutions. And it will show how progress can become not only a practical but a moral ideal—giving us a goal to strive for, a heroic archetype to emulate, and a responsibility to live up to.

This book is first and foremost for the scientists, engineers, and founders who create material progress and who are seeking to understand the moral meaning of their work. It is also for intellectuals, storytellers, and policy makers, to inform and inspire their thinking and writing. More broadly, it is for everyone in the progress movement, and for anyone who is curious to learn what we are about.

The first draft of the book will be serialized on Substack, one essay at a time. The series will also be syndicated on Freethink Media, as part of their new Freethink Voices feature. Freethink’s purpose is “to cover the progress we’re making on new frontiers” and “to tell stories about a future that is possible so we can inspire others to make it real,” and to do so in a way that is “curious, thoughtful, open, and constructive.” We're honored that Jason is their first Voice.

Table of Contents

Published essays are linked below; the rest are coming soon


The Present Crisis

Part 1: The Value of Progress

Chapter 1: Fish in Water

Chapter 2: The Surrender of the Gods

Chapter 3: Ode to Man

Chapter 4: The Life Well-Lived

Chapter 5: Solutionism

Part 2: The Future of Progress

Chapter 6: The Flywheel

  • The long-term pattern of acceleration, and the feedback loops that drive it
  • The fourth age of humanity—after hunting, agriculture, and industry

Chapter 7: The Problem-Solving Animal

  • Why progress is not limited by “natural” resources
  • Why progress is not limited by “ideas getting harder to find”
  • Problem-solving as a deep part of human nature; why pessimism sounds smart even though it’s wrong

Chapter 8: The Unlimited Horizon

  • A bold, ambitious vision for the future: mastery over all aspects of nature
  • Progress as a dynamic ideal, not a static one

Part 3: A Culture of Progress

Chapter 9: What We Lost

  • The culture of progress we once had
  • How we lost our optimism in the 20th century

Chapter 10: The New Ideal

  • How progress can be a moral ideal to strive for, and how the discoverer and the creator can become new heroic archetypes to emulate

Chapter 11: What to Do

  • The progress movement we need, and the changes in society it should bring about
  • The role of education, media, and storytelling; conclusion

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